Two of the papers are accepted in 34th Annual POMS-Conference, USA, organised by Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

I am thrilled to have this incredible opportunity to be involved in two such high quality research projects. First paper is with my PhD supervisor Prof. Stephen Disney. Here, using value stream maps and control theory, we model, analyse, and reduce the MRP nervousness with OUT policy with MMSE forecasts and POUT policy with PFG. Second paper is with my PhD co-supervisor Dr Okechukwu Okorie and researchers from University of Exeter (Dr Martha Omolo and Dr Olayinka Oyetola) and Tasmania University (Dr Nnaemeka Vincent Emodi). Here, we model the consumer behavior in electric vehicle industry to reduce the battery wastes.

I thank POMS for the great feedback provided on my other two papers presented during the POMS conference 2023, Orlando, Florida (USA). One paper was on the dynamics of make-to-stock and make-to-order, with my PhD supervisor Prof Stephen Disney, and another was on the reconfiguration of self-learning future supply chains, with my PhD co-supervisor Dr Okechukwu Okorie, and Dr Ramesh Subramoniam, Dr David Widdifield, and Dr Harpreet Singh (University of Texas, Dallas).

Yogendra Singh
Yogendra Singh
Doctoral Researcher and Teaching Associate

Current research include Modelling of supply chain dynamics, MRP nervousness, Bullwhip effect, Forecasting, Future supply chains, and Supply chain risk and resilience