Yogendra Singh

Yogendra Singh

Doctoral Researcher and Teaching Associate

Centre for Simulation, Analytics, and Modelling


Yogendra is a doctoral researcher and Teaching Associate, affiliated to the Centre for Simulation, Analytics and Modelling. His doctorate research is in the realm of Operations Research with a focus on modelling the supply chain dynamics under the expert supervision of Prof Stephen Disney, a globally acclaimed scientist, and Dr Okechukwu Okorie, a high multidisciplinary repute. Yogendra’s recent and ongoing publications are focused on reducing the bullwhip effect, NSAmp, and MRP nervousness through analytical modelling, utilising applied mathemetics, value stream mapping, and control system engineering. Additionally, his other works employ empirical studies and econometric modelling to develop a framework for future self-learning supply chains, and to achieve net-zero emissions.

Prior to PhD, demonstrating a robust multidisciplinary background, he worked and published in diverse fields including Astrodynamics, Space Trajectory Optimisation, Space Mission Design, and Mechanical Engineering. He is also a reviewer to the Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact Factor- 11.1). Among other awards, he has been recognised with two Gold Medals, prestigious University of Exeter Business School PTA scholarship, School Commendation, and few university-wide accolades.

He has worked with various industries in different capacities, for instance, Infosys (USA), DVLA, Government of the United Kingdon (UK), Ceva Logistics (USA), DHL (USA), Asahi Shimbun (Japan), NHS (Scotland), Yamaha Motors (India), Continental (India), Airbus Defence & Space (UK) on a project for European Space Agency (Europe) and NASA (USA), and academic institutions including at University of Surrey (UK), Aoyama Gakuin University (Japan), Birmingham City University (UK), Cranfield University (UK), University of Texas (USA), Virginia Tech (USA), and University of Tasmania (Australia).

  • Operations research
  • Supply chain dynamics
  • Bullwhip effect
  • MRP nervousness
  • Forecasting
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Control systems engineering
  • Statistics and data analytics
  • Future supply chains
  • Supply chain risk and resilience
  • PhD in Operations Research (ongoing)

    The University of Exeter, United Kingdom

  • Master of Research in Management (sp. Operations Research)

    The University of Exeter, United Kingdom

  • Master of Astronautics and Space Engineering (sp. Trajectory Optimization and Space Mission Design)

    Cranfield University, United Kingdom

  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

    Sharda University, India

Average week time spent on

Weightlifting, Swim, Spa, Run, and Hike


Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2024). A more realistic analytical modelling of a manufacturing supply chain echelon.. University of Exeter ‑ Arizona State University (UOE‑ASU) Research Workshop, 11th‑13th June 2024, Exeter, UK.

(2024). . Advancing Material Requirements Planning (MRP) theory. Center for Simulation and Analytically Modelling ‑ Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (CSAM ‑ IITD) Hybrid Research Workshop, 24th May 2024, Exeter, UK.

(2024). Analysing Economic Implications of Electric Vehicle Battery Remanufacturing: Insights from Consumer Attitudes and Environmental Awareness. 34th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, April 25th-29th, Minneapolis, USA.

(2024). Reducing MRP nervousness: Integrating value stream mapping and control theory. 34th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, April 25th-29th, Minneapolis, USA.

(2024). Reducing MRP nervousness with proportional order-up-to policy. Second Operation and Analytics Workshop, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Teaching Experience

This includes as a Lecturer, Lead Tutor, Seminar/Workshop Tutor, and Grader to Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and MBA cohorts. He has the honour of being one of the earliest stage researchers to lecture QS world rank 42 Masters course.

University of Exeter
Academic year - 2023-24
September 2023 – Present United Kingdom
University of Exeter
Academic year - 2021-22
September 2021 – August 2022 United Kingdom


University of Exeter Business School Commendation 2021/22
For an “Excellent” academic performance, “significant contribution to the life of the School,” “recognizing sustained commitment,” and “performed beyond normal expectations.”
Awarded University of Exeter Business School PGR Teaching Studentship Award
Fortunate enough to have been awarded one of the most generous and prestigeous scholarship in the UK.
Team member for the feasibility study of LISA constellation mission
LISA constellation mission (planned launch 2037) is often termed as the most advanced scientific undertaking by mankind ever, and is going to be the largest man-made structure in space, larger than International Space Station. It is a ESA and NASA collaboration mission.
Chancellor’s Medal
For securing top place in the University across all school, departments, and programs of study
See certificate
University’s Gold Medal
For securing top place across all the departments and programs in the School of Engineering and Technology
See certificate
Certificate of Merit
For securing top place in the departments of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
See certificate
Few Universitywide records
Universitywide record for the highest term GPAs ever, 9.85/10, breaking my own record of 9.65/10. Other records include, highest GPA ever for thesis 10/10, highest GPA ever for the industrial project 10/10, been the only student to achieve them individually and in combination, among other honours and awards. Additionally, the only UG student to publish research at such a scale.
Only student member, Quality Assurance Committee, appointed by the Chancellor
Other members in the committee included Directors of different schools, Director of Quality, Chief Proctor, and headed by the Vice-Chancellor. It was appointed by the Chancellor to improve the quality of University education and infrastructure to improve university ranking and obtain the most prestigious national accreditation, which it eventually got.

Industrial projects

Consultancy project for a Japanese firm
A consultancy project under supervision of Prof Stephen Disney (EBS, UK) and Prof Takamichi Hosoda (ABS Japan), was delivered. The name of the industry can not be disclosed due to the NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) signed.
LISA Constellation Mission
An ambitious mission of European Space Agency, NASA, and others.
Supply chain design and relocation of the assembly plan
Continental AG is a Germany based one of the worlds largest automobile part manufacturing company. In last 150 years, Continental has expanded it’s wings to 58 countries. Continental Hydraulic Brakes Pvt Ltd started its operations in Gurugram (India) in a partnership with Rico.


  • y.singh@exeter.ac.uk
  • Centre for Simulation, Analytics and Modelling, Building One, Rennes Drive, Exeter, Devon EX4 4PU
  • 2nd floor, Building one, University of Exeter Business School.
  • Monday 15:35 to 17:25
  • Book an appointment
  • Message